Saturday, February 28, 2009

[Music Geekery] - Meet Jero, the American-born Japanese Enka singer

Like I mentioned in my very first post on this blog, this blog isn't just about videogames. Sometimes I'll come up with a gem from the internet and want to post it here. In this case, I'd like to introduce you to a new musical find I've just spotted. His name is Jero, and he's an American-born Enka singer.

Wikipedia's entry on Jero has more information on the fellow, but let me say this at the very least: the guy sings Enka very well. If you check YouTube for Umiyuki by Jero, you'll find a somewhat silly, yet enjoyable music video.

Also, CNN's Talk Asia has done an interview with him that was also quite informative. You can view it below... if I got the html right.

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